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What You Need to Know


Who can enter?

To enter the Warrnambool Running Festival, 21km you must be a minimum of 16 years. The minimum age for the 10km event is 12 years of age. The minimum age for the 6km, 4km and 2km events is 6 years of age however we strongly encourage that children under 10 years are accompanied by an adult. The Marathon event is open to participants aged 18 or older only.

When and where can I collect my race bib?

Race packs, merchandise purchases and bibs can be collected from the Event Hub next to the Main Beach Kiosk on Pertobe Road:

  • Saturday from 1pm until 5pm 

  • Race Day, Sunday at the Registration Area from 6:30am,

Where can I park?

For all events and race bib collection, there is ample parking in the Lake Pertobe Precinct. Car parking is also available at Flagstaff Hill and Cannon Hill, within easy walking distance to the Start/Finish line. 

Where is the start line?

​All events will start and finish next to the Main Beach Kiosk on Pertobe Road, Warrnambool.

Will there be water/aid stations?

here will be 4 runner support stations located throughout the event area. Pavilion Cafe, Granny’s Grave, Logans Beach and the Woolen Mill. The list below shows what distance mark of each event you will have access to one of these locations.

  • 42km: 13km, 17.5km, 22.5km, 26km, 29km, 31.5km, 35km, 40km – Granny's Grave, Woolen Mill, Logans Beach, Pavilion Cafe

  • 21km: 2km, 5km, 8km, 10.5km, 14km, 19.5km – Granny's Grave, Woolen Mill, Logans Beach, Pavilion Cafe

  • 10km: 2.5km, 6km, 8.5km – Granny's Grave, Woolen Mill, Pavilion Cafe

  • 6km: 2.5km, 4km – Granny’s Grave

This is a cup free event so you will need to carry a cup or bottle and refill this at the aid stations. Electrolytes provided on course by 32gi

Are there toilets on the course?

There are public toilets available on the 21km, and 10km courses. There are also multiple toilet locations within the Lake Pertobe Precinct. Public toilets are on course at Stingray Bay, The Pavilion, the Event Hub, and The Blue Hole carpark.

  • 42km: 1.7km, 3km, 4.7km, 6km, 9km, 22km, 22.5km, 24km, 27km, 40km, 40.5km (Stingray Bay, Pavilion, Blue Hole and Start/Finish)

  • 21km: 1.7km, 3km, 6km, 19km, 19.5km (Stingray Bay, Pavilion, Blue Hole and Start/Finish)

  • 10km: 8.5km, 9km (Stingray Bay, Pavilion and Start/Finish)

Do I wear a timing chip?

Runner’s times will be recorded using timing chip technology located on the race bib for all events. Chips must be removed and returned at the finish line prior to receiving your medal.

Where can I view results?

Race results for all events will be available post-race through the event timing company (Trails Plus). Links to their website will be posted on Warrnambool Running Festival social media pages (Instagram & Facebook) and our website:

What time will winners be presented?

Presentations for the Saturday events will commence at 4:30pm on the stage at the Event Hub. Presentations will commence for all events on Sunday at 10.30am on the Stage at the Event Hub situated on Pertobe Road.

What Prizes will be awarded?

First Place Female and Open in each event on Sunday will receive a cash prize. All place getters will receive a special medal. All competitors will receive a finisher medal for all events on both Saturday and Sunday.

  • 42km - $400 cash and $200 Tarkine voucher each to 1st Place Female and Open

  • 21km - $300 cash and $200 Tarkine voucher each to 1st Place Female and Open

  • 10km - $50 cash and $200 Tarkine voucher each to 1st Place Female and Open

  • 6km, 4km and 2km - $200 Tarkine voucher each to 1st Place Female and Open

  • 2nd and 3rd - $150 Tarkine voucher each to 2nd Place Female and Open
    $125 Tarkine voucher
     each to 3rd Place Female and Open

Will there be a gear storage area?

A storage area will be provided near the start/finish line. Warrnambool Running Festival assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged items.

What refreshments will be available after the event?

Food and beverage will be available at the start/finish area.

  • REAL Coffee – YES!

  • A beer or wine after your race – YES PLEASE!

  • Music – Heck yeah!

Can I listen to music / wear headphones?

Music devices are strongly discouraged; runners need to be aware of their surroundings at all times on the course. We do however encourage runners to carry their phones and capture the beautiful images and scenery that will present itself to you along the journey!

Can I run with my Dog/Pet?

Our courses run through a variety of areas where Dogs are not permitted by local laws, as such unfortunately we don't allow any Dogs/Pets to accompany you for our events. Service dogs are exempt from these rules.

Will there be any road crossings?

There will be road crossings during the event. Volunteer marshals will be in place at all road crossings. Please obey marshal’s instructions and be vigilant at all times. Runners must give way to traffic!

Will I be crossing train tracks?

Not at all! This year we altered all courses to avoid crossing the train tracks which is much safer for you, and much easier for coordinating our event start times!

Can I see a course map or download a course to my running watch?

You can view detailed maps of all courses on our collection: 

Plotaroute provides instructions to download the course in GPX format to be loaded on various devices such as running watches.

All courses have been measured using GPS technology.

The course will be marked, and all efforts will be made to make it easy to follow.
Track surfaces will vary significantly throughout the course to include bitumen road, concrete path, grass, loose rocky trail, sand, tree roots, trail and everything in between. 

The variation in terrain as well as the wonderful scenery is what makes this event so special.

Safety / Race Etiquette

Please respect all fellow runners, course marshals and volunteers. Slower runners please allow fellow competitors to pass where safe.

Will ambulance / first aid be available?

The Warrnambool Running Festival will have Westvic ProMedic first aid services available at the event should it be required. Competitors are advised to have up to date ambulance cover as Warrnambool Running Festival will not be responsible for any costs incurred if a participant requires further ambulance or medical care.

What happens if I injure myself during the race and need to withdraw?

Any injured runner should be assisted to the nearest aid station by fellow competitors. Competitors unable to continue need to alert marshals at their nearest checkpoint and the race director is to be notified as soon as possible. In the case of an emergency, Marshalls are able to coordinate assistance.

Is the event insured?

Participants should note that public liability insurance exists for this event (Sportscover PMEL99/0125730), however it does not cover individual medical, ambulance cover or rescue costs. This cost is the responsibility of individual competitors. Again, it is recommended to ensure your ambulance cover is up to date.



1300 - Registrations and Bib collection opens at the Event Hub

1500 = START Worm Bay Wiggle 2km event

1600 - START Breakwater Dash 4km event

1630 - Presentations and Spot Prizes

1700 - Registration and Bib collection closes at the Event Hub


0630 - Race Day entries and Bib collection opens at Event Hub

0700 - START Marathon Event

0800 - START 21km event

0830 - START 10km event 

0900 - START 6km event

1030 - Presentations

1100 - Spot Prizes

1300 - Event close

How can I stay up to date with event information?

Please check our Website, and follow our Instagram and Facebook pages to keep up to date on all event details. You can also subscribe to our Mailing List for event information and updates about current and future events 

Can I get a refund or transfer my entry?

We regret to inform participants that we cannot offer refunds to runners who withdraw prior to the event. However, with the introduction of the Race Roster Enhanced Refund Protection Program, participants now have an additional layer of protection for their registration fees.

Event to Event Transfer: Participants may transfer their entry from one event to another. If a participant wishes to transfer to a shorter distance, the difference in price will not be reimbursed. For those transferring to a longer distance, the participant will be required to pay the difference.

Participant to Participant Transfer: Participants can transfer their entry to another entrant. A transfer fee of $10 will be charged for each participant-to-participant transfer.
Race Roster Enhanced Refund Protection Program: Participants who have opted for the Race Roster Refund Protection service at the time of registration may be eligible for a refund under the terms and conditions specified by the service. This optional service provides an additional level of assurance for your entry fee. Please ensure that you review the RRERPP terms and conditions carefully to understand the eligibility criteria and the scope of coverage.


In the case of forced cancellation of the Warrnambool Running Festival, due to extreme weather or unforeseen circumstances there will be a 50% refund. A decision like this would generally occur close to race date, at which point a considerable amount of funds would have gone towards the many areas involved in hosting such an event. No responsibility is taken by Warrnambool Running Festival for lost travel/accommodation costs in this instance.

FAQ: Text

Download the full Event Briefing document

Race Info Pack (PDF)

Are there any race cut-off times?

All events must be completed by 1.00pm. 

The implementation of cutoff times in our event serves several essential purposes: Minimising Traffic Management Costs, Avoiding Overuse of Volunteers and Enhancing Safety for Participants

Cutoff locations: (Updates Pending)

  1. Start/Finish Area - 10:00am
    Marathon Runners starting their second loop only. Approximately 24km into the event.

  2. Woolen Mill - 10:20am
    Marathon - approx 35km point in 3:20
    21km - approx 14km point in 2:20
    10km - approx 6km point in 1:50

  3. Thunderpoint Carpark - 11:00am
    Marathon approx 39km point in 4:00
    21km - approx 18km point in 3:00
    10km - approx 7km point in 2:30

©2024 by Warrnambool Running Festival. Proudly created with

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